Pray for Hadeel

Dr. Mohammed al-Hodaif, father of fellow blogger Hadeel, said earlier today that his daughter was found lying in her bed and she has gone into a coma. Hadeel has just celebrated her 25th birthday two days ago and I have been looking forward to meet her in Jeddah where we are scheduled to speak in a discussion panel at the L&T Symposium next Saturday. She is in the ICU now and her father said she is in a critical state. Please pray for her. الله يشفيها ويقومها بالسلامة يا رب

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31 thoughts on “Pray for Hadeel

  1. I am really really sorry to hear about this and I wish all the best to the girl and her family.

    What surprises me is that everybody seems to think it is normal that you just slip into a coma while you are asleep. Shouldn’t the criminal investigators get over there asap and find out IF anything bad has happened?

  2. الله يشفيها و يرجعها لأهلها يارب

    اللهم آشفي هديل أنت الشافي شفاء لا يغادر سقما

  3. s7e7 2na m3rafsh meen hadeel bs 2enho layo7zenony 2n ykon ftah fe moktabal el 3omr fe hzh el 7ala …… shfaha allah

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