Matrook Al-Faleh Freed

Matrook al-Faleh has been released from jail earlier today. Al-Faleh was arrested last May in Riyadh after criticizing the poor situation of Buraida General Prison where his fellow activist Abdullah al-Hamed was jailed until last September after he completed a six-month sentence there. Al-Faleh, a political science professor at KSU, was put in solitary confinement for the whole period, he had no access to a lawyer, and no accusations were officially made against him.

It is good to see Matrook al-Faleh free again and back to his family and friends, and I certainly hope other jailed prisoners of conscience will be released soon.

15 thoughts on “Matrook Al-Faleh Freed

  1. If I were a bettin man I’d either bet he doesn’t criticize anymore or he keeps on criticizing and ends up in a revolving door prison situation.

  2. How horrible! How inhuman! And for such a long time! It’s torture, for him and his family!

    I’m glad he’s out, but worried for the state he could be in now.

  3. I’m glad they released him …i hope it’s not a deal for shutting him up,,,

    I wish freedom for all our forgotten prisoners who spent most of their lives in jail far away from their beloved ones…

  4. Jail is made for those who break the law, speeches/criticism however they vary don’t break the law, a man shouldn’t be put in jail for his opinion or speech, I guess everyone is glad of Dr. Matrook’s release, but the best is yet to come, all alike prisoners must be freed immediately, and let no more contempt inside their hearts, we want to move forward.

    “But, spite of all the criticizing elves, Those who would make us feel, must feel themselves.” – Charles Churchill

  5. Glad he is out.

    Hope there is no gag order on him…We want to hear about more of what he has to say! I do at least. Change won’t happen until one recognizes the need for it. Drawing attention to the need for better and more humane treatment of human rights prisoners is certainly a noble observation but an ironic one to be jailed for…………………………………………..

  6. I am so happy to hear that; yet, it is indeed sadening how limit is freedom of speech in Saudi Arabia. I can not imagine how such an educated professor at the largest school in the country and an activist in human rights got arrested carelessly. Anyhow, what is coming is more important, I hope he does not get fired of his job or other positions he is on, if he has any.

  7. I am happy to hear that…I was criticizing the Saudis for not going out in demonstrations for what’s going on in Gaza…but it seems that the Saudi people sitaution is really dark.

    Inshallah things will be better.Ameen.

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