Sean Puffy Combs Plea for Oil

American rapper Sean Puffy Combs complains about the high cost of gasoline, and says he can no longer afford to fly his private jet from New York to Los Angeles twice a month. He is begging the Saudis to send him some free oil so that he can fly in his private jet once again. Sorry bro, you ain’t gonna get nothin’ from these shores, because, just in case you didn’t know, we ain’t got no oil wells in our backyards to give away for free. Like my friend Rasheed says: “A super-rich entertainer such as Puffy might get invited to perform at the private bash of a Saudi royal, but he sure isn’t going to get free oil, he can bet on that!”

17 thoughts on “Sean Puffy Combs Plea for Oil

  1. My first impression of this video clip is that Combs is poking fun at himself and other wealthy private jet owners. He couldn’t possibly be serious, could he?

    If so, he’s a narcissistic idiot who doesn’t deserve the time you’ll spend to watch this.

    I prefer to be generous here, and regard his plea as the playful antic of an indulged child who has grown too big for his britches. The only appropriate response is an indulgent smirk. The flight attendent will have to keep an eye on this guy’s seatbelt.

  2. If Puffy had half a brain he’d realise he needs to asks our cross border friend, the “Canucks” for some oilas the US gets some 80% of oiur oil from Canada not the ME. Duh!

    I get weary of folks bashing the Arabs for oil prices as we seem to blithly forget that nonoe of our neighbor allies (Britain & Canada) would deign to give us a good deal. everybody sells it for what they can get. Wake Up “Puffy” head!

  3. This is hilarious. I seriously thought it was all in jest but then i realized that rap artists are all demented and he can actually ask for it.

    Saudis only grant such pardons to their favorites. I reckon former Pakistani prime minister nawaz sharif can cut this muster but not Sean Combs P. Diddy

  4. This is a prime example of the intelectual level walking the streets of America. This is the future of America.
    Just because he has money from his stupid fan base, this guy thinks he has something intelligent to say… The Saudi’s must be laughing their heads off at America? Only in America!

  5. i wont be surprised though if a wealthy saudi provided this idiot with some oil tanks, as a joke or just to make himself known to every one. i mean it happened before but the case was dates not oil.

  6. The ideal of saudi Arabia refusing to give oil to Sean Comb is only a friendly request,which other oil rich Nation could smile at,and respond more friendly.the price for gas is only anoying,but not unaffordable.

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