We Shall Overcome

in short…

USA … 1931


Saudi Arabia… 2007


Translation: “According to The Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice; passing coffee to women is not allowed.

When I saw this post over at Lalla Mona’s blog, I remembered Martin Luther King’s words. To her and everyone out there who aspires to reform this country, I want to say: don’t worry, you are not alone, and we shall overcome.

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43 thoughts on “We Shall Overcome

  1. The other day I saw the Mutawwa in action at Panda supermarket near Fudruckers and Jarir. It seems that a Saudi guy was caught driving a car full of Saudi ladies and he could not prove to be a relative of them. I saw the black tinted windows of the car and I could hear the ladies screaming. On the othe hand the Saudi guy looked terrified and started screaming at the Mutawwas. They, the Mutawwas looked calmed and polite. They were a couple of very tall and strong guys. While we were watching the police started to move people away. I felt so bad for the guy and the ladies. And I felt so bad for your country. This is ridiculous. Things like these should not happen.
    And somebody had told me that now Mutawwas have no power, but I did saw them in action!

  2. I am curious, is it OK to leave the coffee for a woman to pick up? Is it the actual handing over of coffee that calls forth the Wrath?

  3. I agree to the point your making, women should be given their rights. But what intrigues me is that you mention Martin Luther King’s words and forget about Malcolm X’s words. I guess it’s not easy trying to free oneself from the grasp of global political marketing.

  4. Muhammad

    Are you referring to when Malcolm X said

    “The time for you and me to allow ourselves to be brutalized nonviolently has passed. Be nonviolent only with those who are nonviolent to you. And when you can bring me a nonviolent racist, bring me a nonviolent segregationist, then I’ll get nonviolent. But don’t teach me to be nonviolent until you teach some of those crackers to be nonviolent.”

    Would violence bring any change at all? I think it would bring a response of ‘these people, their methods, and their goals are immoral’ and make people shy away from change. Remember which black leader is remembered for being able to make change in the US.

  5. I really feel bad. Living in the United States from birth, I cannot begin to rationalize the thinking of the Commission. I live in the Southern part of the US. Racism ran ramped here. Still does to an extent. We still have the KKK and gang wars in our neighborhoods here. It’s no where near as bad here as over there. Throughout all of that though, my family has always trained us in equality of all. In fact, before the Civil War, my family owned several plantations and many slaves. From what my great grandparents related, my family always treated their “slaves” as workers, giving them pay, homes, food and medical care.

    You may not enslave a race over there but it seems that your country has enslaved its women. God created Eve as a complement for Adam. Complement with an “e” not an “i”. The difference between the two is great. Compliment is a tribute to the greatness of someone. Complement is given as a balance to offset the weight of another. Equality. God gave Eve to Adam to complement his work, a helper not an object. He did not give Eve to Adam to tell Adam how wonderful he was doing! He gave Adam a PERSON, not a slave, to help him in his endeavors. From what I’ve read, is it not true that Muslims also believe in the Old Testament? How can they say they are upholding law? Muslims may not believe that Jesus is the Messiah but they believe that he is a prophet, no? Would the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice have arrested Jesus when he spoke with Sumaritan at the well? Or for being close to Mary Magdellan and allowing her to rub oil on his feet with her hair? Are they better than someone that Muslims proclaim as a prophet that they would say that Jesus’ actions were wrong?

  6. oh how sad i am.. my fellow country men do not realize what lies between their ears.. i pray for them to make this discovery one day.. Saudi Jeans, i hope there are more of you out there!!

  7. In response to Curious:

    Actually I was referring to the following Malcolm X quotes:

    “I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color.”

    “You don’t have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is to be an intelligent human being.”

    It’s quite interesting how you started going off on the topic of violence based on your false assumptions that I advocate it. So basically you assume that when someone mentions the name Malcolm X, one must automatically associate it with violence. Now that my friend is the global political marketing that you have been affected by, and that is why certain people are “remembered” over others :)

  8. Malcolm X also changed a lot later in life, and was, in my opinion, killed for it. You could have given this quote directely, we cannot know everything all at once. malcomX didn’t get the chance to accomplish what he could have accomplished, and so he made a much smaller impact on history, and is therefore less well known.

    Reading this sign from the safety of my workroom, and the assurance that I will go out in a few hours to do some shopping and to mingle with friends over coffee it was funny. But then you realise that it’s really happening, and that makes me sad.

    Not serving women coffee sounds very inhospitable and unislamic to me. But then the whole set-up in KSA seems to me to be against the spirit of the Quran and the prophet(pbuh).

    Citizen G’Kar(babylon V): No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power tyrants and dictators cannot stand.

  9. If its any help ….
    King asked his followers to be passive and sing “We shall overcome”
    Malcolm X on the other hand condemned that and said “Whoever heard of a revolution, where they lock up arms and sing “we shall overcome”? You don’t do any singing, you’re too busy swinging”
    Of course later in his life Malcolm X toned down his rhetorics.
    But the world remembers him perhaps much more than King.

  10. Good luck with your struggle for human- and womanrights in Saudi Arabia. It’s good to read some refreshing stories from you, instead of the news brought by papers and news in The Netherlands. Your blog gives hope for the future. As Bob Dylan once wrote:

    Come senators, congressmen
    Please heed the call
    Don’t stand in the doorway
    Don’t block up the hall
    For he that gets hurt
    Will be he who has stalled

  11. I agree with you, the poster you posted illustrates a problem that we have in Saudi! But that problem is not women’s rights!

    Let us not mix things up, or take things out of context and then blow them up to be something they are not! The poster we see here (which I must say is very badly worded) has nothing to do with racism, sexism or any form of ism you want to think of, it’s merely a bad and poor enforcement of segregation! And I say this because we see similar posters against serving males in family or female only shops.

    Do not get me wrong, I do think we have weaknesses with respect to women’s rights. However, I am just saying لكل مقام مقال. And this one is definitely about the excessive segregation rather than the sexism, at least in my opinion.

    Plus, I have always disliked communicating to the emotions, rather than the mind!

    “Our country/people are so chauvinistic, that they even deprive women from the human right to drink a cup of Coffee!”

    Do I sound fair if I make such a statement? I think NOT, definitely not someone who means well to his people or has the intention to reform them, rather, I sound like a person who despises them.

  12. salaam
    It is highly commendable the work u youths are doing.But im sorry to say i c u ppl not fightin for the actual rights but r actually tryin to immitate the west.There has to be a degree of change between an overwhelmingly muslim country with religous values and an overwhelmingly christian country.We are not aalims and we are not ulemas so we have no rite to say anythin about any specific issue ,whther that be women drivin, baselessly.The proper channel should be to bring a counterproof aof another scholar that supports ur view.If its only u ppl who just say that women drivin or any other stuff should be allowed without reasoning then that advice could prove fatal for the society.U guys represent a small minority of ksa and i believe that a majority of u are either livin abroad or have just settled in here from abroad .Ur views reflect the societies u used to live in.
    The issues which must be raised are actually the duplicit behaviour of the judiciary and mtawas .FOr royalty laws may never exist but for the common man they do……..These kind of behaviours must be dealt with.
    At the end we r muslims and we must respect islam with logic.

  13. I’m getting tired of any basic human rights being described as ”western infuence” or ”western imitation”
    Women were never forbidden to ”drive” camels or horses in the time of the prophet (pbuh) so why should they be forbidden to drive cars now? Women owned property and did trade, as the prophets’ first wife Khadijja, She also was selfposessed enough to propose to the prophet (pbuh) She supported him with her money.
    The wifes of the prophet were not locked up, and freely spoke their minds to him.

    No ”rights” or ”freedoms” demanded are against the tenets of the Qur’an. In fact they are Islamic rights. So, if anybody doesn’t like women to have independence, and for example a driving licence, or a cuppa coffee, they should speak the truth and show themselves as misogynist bullies. But don’t give a cheap, easy excuse and call it ”western influence”

  14. salaamz
    My friend u might be right and u maybe wrong.All im sayin that if u feel that u have a point portray it in a proper way with a hadith and verse that is backed by an islamic scholar anywhere in the world.Talkin immaterial stuff without any logic can get u nowhere and convince nobody.
    They r lot of things in this world which we can observe ,which we implement but will be in contradiction with islam.
    Indeed every wife has the right to share her thoughts with her husband,every woman has the rite to do business,every woman has the rite to drive even……………but for the last point u just need to go to al faisaliya in the night nad u will c saudi youth portrayin their frustration in ways u can only imagine……so if theres a girl without a mahram i can only imagine the time before she ends up in the desert like many have before her.
    Believe it or not u ppl are reflectin the societies and the cultures u have gone through.For those things to succeed u will have to immitate the whole model of that society……for example things that r taboo like fornification etc will have to be legalized just to makeup the model.But wat we have is the whole charter, the whole constitution,in the form of holy quran, which can be flexibaly moulded into a form which will help us achieve an ethical society with all the rites.
    p.s they r solutions to the women drivin scenario within the framework of islam.

  15. Sutta: thanks for providing the link.

    I just wanted to make the point that basic human rights are not the sole property of ”the west” but that Islam also provides them. If some countries or groups of people think it a good idea to take them away, and others want them back, there is no need to call it something like: ”Western Influence”:
    It feels to me like a cheap way of making those wishes suspect. They can just as rightfully be called ”Islamic Rights”
    (I don’t mean all this personally to what you wrote, it’s just that I come across it all the time.)

  16. Please excuse my ignorance Muhammad.

    Malcolm X was known for his more aggressive side, and that is the one that many people are most aware of and think about when they hear his name.

  17. what angers me is the hypocrisy of some muttawas. in their GMCs they tell people to go to pray but when they themselves watch LBC and MBC and more specifically ‘baywatch’, that destroys all of their efforts to purify the society!

  18. Stop this silliness……Comparing racial hatred to the mixing of the sexes there is no comparison….what so ever!!!!!!! Men and women mixing together is haraam There are many islamic texts forbidding the mixing of sexes ..but there is no islamic texts for the forbidding of the mixing of races. MAy Allah bless the religious police of saudi arabia. Ameen. Why dont you self hating saudees ….simply leave saudi arabia and go live in the west…because your not going to change saudi arabia.!!!! abadaan….

  19. sorry brother I dun think this thing is real the picture you’ve showing here…

    I dun know any Mutawwa who say coffee is haram never never. where did u c this sign? I want to check it out dud. send me email of the location I’m going to check it out personally. your just showing a picture of an A4 paper that doesn’t mean it’s real.

    pleas people stop showing our country is a bad country. It’s not I live in it and I lived in other countries as will. I think u mr. ahmed are one of those exaggerators. if you really dun like Saudi Arabia your not forced to live in it brother.

    I’ve read some of your writing bro. you are so negative person. man life is good dun wast it by looking at the negative side of it. enjoy the bright side of life. you didn’t leave Saudi because you love it but as I said stop with the negativity.

    After all I dun say Saudi is the best and they dun have mistakes they do but that dose not make them evil my brother.

  20. Saad, I think you missed the point of this post. It is not about bashing muttawa’s as you seem to understand; this is only meant to point out to the discriminations against women that we see in our country on daily basis.

    I have never said that Saudi Arabia is a bad country. This country, just like anywhere else, have good things and bad things. You are free to believe that I’m being too negative, although I disagree, but in the end of the day I don’t think that sugarcoating would solve our problems.

  21. Dear Brother Ahmed,

    I dun think that what you said about women in Saudi Arabia is true and BTW I’m not sugarcoating anything when I see something I dun like I’ll talk but I wont show that I have a problem that can not be solved.

    the women in Saudi Arabia are living in haven not just saying that but I think you know more than me that this thing is true. everything is for women the shopping malls, the streets, the hospitals, the festivals and more bro.

    tell me what’s there for us young Saudi Males that’s what you should write about bro.

    with fully respect I think your point of view of Saudi women is totally wrong…

  22. I, and I believe many Saudi women as well, disagree with your point of view regarding women’s situation in the country. If you are satisfied with that situation then fine, but this won’t stop others, especially women, from demanding what they see as basic human rights.

    But I agree with you that young men are not having it much better here, and I have written about it before, and will write more on that topic.

  23. I want to know what basic right that’s not there for Saudi women.. dun tell me hijab.

    I have family and I’m having a very open kinda life and they never said that they don’t have right they always saying that it’s the best place they ever lived in not other country where women have to work and sell her self to get the rights you and ur likes talking about. sorry never agree with this way of thinking

  24. What rights Saudi women don’t have, good one, how about:
    -Driving a car? Not the most important in my opinion, but such a nice symbol.
    -Hospitals: getting medical treatment without permission of mahram? Seems a good one too.
    -Being able to own property
    -Jadranya festival: open 8 days for men, only 3 days for women, no family days
    -Get coffee when thirsty.

    I’m not going on.

  25. Aby Jamal: thanks for the link, Very nice.
    Yeah, in the desert, miles away from nowhere, the white spots on the map.
    I ment women who need to take kids to school, do shopping etc. Those women get arrested.

    The whole point of driving is that you can actually go somewhere, not just drive the watertruck to and from the camp.

    I love my car, I love driving: a tank full of gas, an empty highway at night, and go!

  26. Koran told us also about man stages in the womb , the truth that earth s round,the truth of solar apex,hummer sound stars,the truth that the sky is kept from heavenly bodies that may harm the earth,the weave shape of the sky,the truth that atom is the smallest unit. the fact that the the front of the brain s responsible 4 telling lies. The planets orbits the fact that universe in constant movement that the fact that the rom were defeated in the lowest part of earth and they would defeat persians, the fact of difficulty breathing when going up sky and that everything s from water and that there is a pair of everythingthe universe expansion,the fact that the moon gets closer to the sun, the fact that universe will contract and destroy after this expansion, the different fingerprints, fall of iron from sky,the barrier between seas,the layers of waves of sea and sky.the fact that earth and sky were one part then separated., the role of mountains to hold the earth, the black heavenly bodies of sky(khonnas konnas in arabic)the copper color of moon at some of its stages. it challenges people to know about soul that determines your likes, dislikes and character.in addition2 its mathematical miracles. (ex: men r mentioned the same number as women).
    prophet Mohammed miracles r food and water multiplication,flow of water from his fingers,moon split in two 4 him,camel complained 2 him about its owner cruelty.trees,stones and a wolf testimonied he was prophet.the wood that he used to stand on when preaching cried when he abandoned it as muslims made him a pulpit, he said that his daughter fatima would be the first of his relatives to die after him,he ressurrected his mother and she believed in him and ressurrected a girl2 her father but she preferred being by allah side, he gave dates case 2 abuhurrira from which he continued 2 eat till othman ibn affan(the 4th successor of mohammed) , a cloud followed him,he ate poisoned meat from a jewish woman but did not die though his friend who ate with them died,he turned a wood into a sword ,he was midheight but when walking with the tall became as tall as them,he said that arab peninsula was green lands, he predicted that muslims would ship in sea and that a friend of his would die non muslim and this all happened as he committed suicide,during a drought he raised his hands 2 sky and before lowering it rain fell heavily 4 week till muslims asked him 2 ask allah 2 stop it and he raised his hand and it stopped, he asked allah that one of his friends wouldnot grow old and this happened as he never had a white hair,he said that sun would rise from the west,he cured the ill people.he was poor and refused micca masters proposal to leave islam and they would make him their master, he said if u put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand,i will never stop spreading islam. relevation start: When prophet mohamed was a child,a priest called el behiry saw him and saw a sign in his body ,he said that this boy would be the prophet the jesus foretold,when Mohamed was playing with the sons of his wet-nurse that nursed him after the death of his mother and was called Halima el saadia,two angels in the form of men laid Mohamed on the ground and opened his chest and removed his heart and put it in a pot to clean it from the misdeeds of humans then returned it back again

  27. Some of prophet hadiths:Reasons that lead 2 paradise:
    if u lose your son and be patient ,then allah will build u a palace in the heaven.
    if u lose your eyesigt and be patient,if u have 3 or more daughters and bring them up well, they will be a screen 4 u against hell, if u control your anger,allah will marry u the virgin u wish on judgement day, praying alfagr and alasr(first and third prayers), saying allah i ask u4paradise and protection from hell 7 times after fagr and maghrib(first and fourth prayers)guarantee paradise if died in the time between these prayers, only the clean will enter paradise,fagr (morning)mosque prayers r in allah harbour ,an easygoing person willnot enter hell . But what hinders from paradise r parents abuse,wine addicting,not joining your relatives, arragance,slandering,being on bad terms with those u know 4 more than 3 daysand if this continue 4 more than year,it s as if u shed his blood,polytheism and hypocrisy s minor polytheism.
    allah will harbour and respond 2 those who harbour and satisfy the needs of others, those who feed humans or animals will be in heaven.
    women r men brothers and those who honour then r generous but those who insult them r mean and best people r those who treat their wives well like the prophet and satisfy people needs and allah people r koran readers.
    prophet says that the least people in heaven will have 10 as much as the whole universe or 15 as much as what a king owns or will be seated and asked what he wants and he will be given what he wishes and as much as it, people in heaven dont urinate or spit or excrete and their sweat s like musk ,virgins in heaven dont get old or die or leave u or give birth or excrete or urinate and they sing sweetly.
    mosque prayers r allah guests and he will honour them,they r also allah neighbours.
    when u dont guide others , allah willnot respond to your supplication and u r deprived of the virgins that r made mainly 4 those who spread islam facts like aynaa(with wide eyes). in the paradise s a virgin called loaba(toy in english)on her chest s written those who wanna virgin like me should satisfy my lord.
    fasting the tenth day of first month of muslim calender expits the past year sins and fasting the days 13,14 and 15 of every . muslim month s from sunna of prophet . fasting arafa day expits the sins of past year and coming year,prophet says alsothat what overtakes your heels from your clothes s in hell and allah willnot look at u while praying if your do this,say no god but allah and u will succeed and the phrase no power except by allah s from paradise treasures,the best times allah respond 2 your asking are in rainfall,when armies meet,before u end your imposed prayer,when u r fasting or being oppresed,between call 2 prayer and prayer and at midnight as allah goes down 2 the lowerest sky asking s not there a repentent ,s not there a person in need so i give him.night praying s the believer honour.
    charity in Islam s not limited 2 giving money 2 the poor as prophet mohamed said as it includes smiling 2 your brother, removing road blockades, feeding human or animal,guiding people 2 do good and avoid sins,good word that satisfied allah and even having sex with your wife as long as having sex in illegal relations s sin.allah says in hadith by prophet that the paradise s his mercy by which he mercifies whom he wants and the hell s his means of torturing , he said that when both paradie and hell disputed and the paradise said that it has the poor weak people while hell said it has the haughty. the bankrupt r those who come on judgement day with great accepted deeds but they call others names,hit others,robbed others,ill spoke about others so all those will take from his good deeds till he has zero good deeds and be thrown in hell.those who help in killing( even with half word ki-instead of kill-) without right will be desperate of allah mercy on judgement day .the worst sins r disbelieving,polytheism ,magic ,harming people,adultery specially with the wife of your neighbour. The muslim s the person who doesnot harm muslims and leave away sins as prophet said.he said also that nobody will enter paradise except by allah mercy even he himself and muslims willnot believe till they love each other and this will happen when they shake hands and allah distributes 100mercies on the hand shakers 90 of them 4 the beginner.the best words r subhan allah,no god but allh,thanks 2 allah,allah the greatest(akbar) and those who give one salutation 2 prophet one time ,allah will will give 2 them10 .and if they give him 100times a day,allah will give them 100of their needs70 of them after eath, those who say subhan allah and thanks 2 allah 100 times in the morning and evening,no one would have done greater than them this day .paradise surrounded by dislikes but hell surrounded by likes.non people thankers r non allah thankers.
    Every one step 2 mosque raises u degree and removes a sin from u and walking 2 mosques at night guarantees u complete light on judgement day. saying no power except by allah 10 times in the morning prevents allah anger and 10 times in the evening prevents devil tricks and 10 when sleeping prevents afflictions . if honesty s missing,wait 4 judgement day and those with no henesty have no belief. Surat (chapter) al kadr=1/4 of Koran, surat al ekhlas=1/3 of Koran, surat alzalzalah=1/2of koran. Friday activities: reading surat eldoghan (the smoke)on friday night provides u with a palace in paradise and if u read it each night 70000angels will ask allah 2 expit your sins,reading surat elkahf every friday will light your days till next friday.having a shower on friday expits your sins and cutting your nails on Friday or reading surat elekhlas and surat al nas and surat alfalak 7 times after friday prayer prevents harm till next friday.the difference between those who mention allah and those who don’t mention him s the same as the difference between the alive and the dead and allah with u and mentions u as long as u mention him. if u say i am satisfied with allah as lord,islam as religion and mohammed as prophet,allah will satisfy u.from allah greatest names by which he gives and responds when asked: the owner of the rule or his names in surat elekhlas or Yunus supplication(no god but u subhanak i was from the unjust(3times). allah responds 2 u as long as u dont be hasty by saying i asked but u didnot respond,asking him 2 do sin or womb relations cutting. if u ask allah forgiveness for believers whether males or females 27 times a day,allah will respond to your requests , your supplication 2 your brother s responded and u will have like him.saying subhan allah and thanks 2 allah 100times expits your sins even if they were like sea foam. Follow the sin with good deed2 delete it.keep away from polytheism and harming people.3 persons allah doesnot look at or purify: liar prince,haughty poor and adulterer old man.dont those who look up while praying fear they lose their eyesight and those who raise their heads before the prayer leader fear their heads turn into a donkey head. from the best ways 2mention allah:subhan allah and thanks 2 allah the number of his creatures,his satisfaction,the weight of his throne and the number of his words.once a funeral passed so sahabah spoke ill of it ,then another passed but sahabah spoke well of it,then the prophet said the first will be in hell while the second will be in paradise as u r allah witnesses on earth. let what make u doubt as truth s reassurance but lies r doubt.reading the 3 final verses of surat el hashr morning and evening after seeking allah refuge from devil 3 times guarantees u paradise if u died between these times.no one will be in paradise thanks 2 his own deeds.if u read surat el ekhlas 10 times or pray 12 bows(rakaas)voluntarily or leave lies even joking,u will have a palace in the paradise. purity s half of belief ,subhanallah fills the scale,subhanallah and thanks2allah fills in between the sky and earth,prayer s light(nour),charity s proof,patience s light(diaa).the throne of alrahman (merciful allah)shakes if man has sex with man. your suppliction s trapped off sky unless u say peace be upon prophet mohamed. if u know what s in the darkness and morning prayers(final and first prayers),u will go 2 pray them in the mosque even by crawling and they r the heaviest prayers on the hypocrite,cleanness s the prayer key, those who walk 2 mosques with no aim other than praying will have the same agr(reward) as the pilgrim and praying al fagr (first prayer) in mosque then waiting till sunrise mentioning allah then praying 2 bows(rakaas) of sunrise(doha)make u have the same agr(reward) as the pilgrimage. saying thanks 2 allah who fed me this food without any power from me expits all your sins, envy eats away sins the same as the fire when it eats fire wood,charity puts out sinlike the water when it puts out fire. the most liked deeds by allah r praying on time then parents obedience then jihad 4 allah sake,every care and tiredness a man feels even the thorn that pricks him s expitation2his sins so if allah likes a person ,he puts him into a misfortune. Those who wanna be happy with their papers on judgemrbt day should ask allah 2 expit their sins from 70-100 times or more daily. What bring curses r changing eath borders,bribe taking and giving, wig hair wearing, putting tattoos,changing body shapes by changing your eyebrows or teeth shape and imitating the other sex. Ablution then sleeping makes angels ask allah 2 expit your sins till u walk up,the honest merchant will be with prophets and martyrs.those who believe in allah and judgement day should honour their guests ,treat their neighbours and say good words or shut up. The most tortured people on judgement day r the creatures drawers. Allah raises the modest.exploit heath,youth,life and sparetime before they r over. No pessimism in islam. Those who fast Ramadan and prayon its nights believing in allah,allah will expit their sins. Never flatter me like what happened with Jesus but say Allah slave and messenger, nothing s better on al adha feast than sacrificing as allah expit your sins with the first drop of the slaughtered animal,feast days r days of eating,drinking and mentioning allah. Toothbrush leads2 mouth purity,allah satisfaction and devil anger.dont ask by allah face except paradise, allah accepts your repentance as long as u r not dying . All the muslim nation s forgiven except the declarers of their sins, what delete sins s ablution,walking alot 2 mosque and waiting 4 prayers.deeds by intentions and fins.man may utter the good word without caring but it provides him with allah satisfaction till meeting him and he may talk with the word that angers allah without caring but it makes him fall deep in hell.allah has 99names, those who count them will enter paradise. in hadith kodsi (by allah)take out of hell those who mentioned me one day or feared me in a position, Days will come when other nations will continue harming muslims as muslims large number will be as weak as mud.surat al falak and surat alnas r the best ways 2 seek allah protection from any fear. say allah complete the blessing ,the health and the cover i am in this morning( this evening). When u fear someone or in disaster say :alla s my god i am not a polytheist of anything else.i seek your protection from the evil of this person who s the son of (his name) and the evil of humans and jhin. no god but allah the great ,the high,no god but allah,the patient and generous,no god but allah the god of the 7 skies and the god of the generous throne.allah i am the son of your slave , the son of your ammah,my forehead in your hand , your rule will happen 2 me and your judge 2 me s just,i ask u with all the names u named yourself or lowered inyour book or taught 2 one of your creatures 2 make the almighty koran the spring (rabea) of my heart,the light of my chest, the deletin of my cares and the vanishing of my sadness. sayyed elesteghfar ( master of seeking allah expitation) : allah ,u r my god, u created me and I am your slave and I try 2 keep your promise as I could, I confess your blessings on me and I confess my sins,so expit my sins as u only spit sins (saying this guarantee death if u died). allah, i deposit with u what i read and memorized so give it back 2 me when i need it as u can do anything, allah i seek from u the understanding of prophets and the memorizing of the sent angels ( this s 2 be said when studying). When entering home say in the name of allah we entered and got out and on our god we depended .when entering mosque say allah give salutations 2 Mohammed, allah open 2 me the doors of your mercy. When going out of the mosque say allah open2 me the doors of your favour .when looking at the mirror say allah improve my morals as u improved my creation , allah forbid the hell from my face. Saying hasbin allah , no god but allah , on him I depended and he s the god of the great throne (7 times) makes allah get rid u of your cares. Saying in the name of allah when entering the bathroom blinds the devils. U should say thanks2allah who made me get rid of harm after going out of bathroom. when u bid someone farewell say we intrust allah with your religion and the conclusion of your deeds. When hearing a cock ask allah favour as it sees angels but when hearing a donkey or dog seek allah protection from devil, when it rains,say allah,make it useful rain,but after rain stops,say we got this rain thanks 2 allah. the supplication when u wear your clothes or marry a woman or buy a car or feel wind: allah,i ask u for its good and seek your protection from its evil . those who guide people2 good will have the same reward as their followers but those who tell others2do sins will have the same torture as their followers. See: http://www.55a.net

  28. MERCY IN ISLAM : kuran says that Mohamed is sent as mercy to the all even animals so Mohamed ordered not to imprison animals without food till death and a woman would enter hell 4 doing that with a cat and aman would enter paradise 4 giving water 2 athirsty dog ,muslims with high morals will be beside the prophet on judgement day as nothing s heavier in your scale then good morals, a muslim with good morals reaches the degree of the fasting and night prayer,allah willmot mercify those who don’t mercify others,.the prophet used2 shake hands with children while walking in streets,the kuran orders muslims to tell others of islam with kindness and wisdom and treating our enemies as if they were close friends and it says also that if mohamed was cruel,nobody would have followed him,the prophet says also that mercy beautifies matters while cruelty worsens them.

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