Guest Post: What will happen in April 23? And why?

By Eman al-Guwaifli

What will happen?

The elections process to choose municipal elections will start on April 23 with voters registration, and it will end by casting ballots on September 23. Starting from this moment, the scenario of this upcoming summer seems very clear.

On April 23, the voters registration will begin, and the numbers will be very low (in 2005, the number of voters in Riyadh was 140,000 Saudi men out of 1.9 million Saudi males living there). The polling stations will be dead empty, and despite this, the Saudi press will continue its coverage, singing praise for the “baby steps of democracy,” justifying that by saying “it fits us,” that it is in line with “the lack of awareness” in our society and the domination of its traditional structure, the ignorance of democratic mechanisms, and the lack of making responsible choices, etc.

Also, the same press will focus on the competition between candidates they will call Islamists, and others they will call liberals, and they will say the competition between the two parties is heated, and that they are electoral blocs being formed in secret, and “golden lists, blessed lists, appeals, joy and battles…” The press will cover the events of the different camps, and the mercenaries will have a golden opportunity: preachers, self-improvement trainers, folk poets, journalists and actors. On September 22, the ballot boxes will open, and it will be a culmination of all the comicality and hollowness in the scene.

There will be local and foreign journalists who will watch what is going on, ready to describe the scene of “elections in Saudi Arabia” using that ridiculous word they usually use when they write about our local stories: “Interesting.” And it becomes even more ridiculous when the scene is not ambiguous or confusing, but rather very obvious and clear. And questions will be asked about the significance of what is going on, “Why?”, and the answer will be imposed by those who shout higher than the rest.


I wrote this post specifically to answer this question. What is going to happen is clear to me from now. The announcement of the return of the municipal elections was not welcomed on the Internet (see #Intekhab). Some bloggers and writers have announced they will boycott the elections for different reasons, and it seems that this circle will expand to include other social forces and diverse elites. In such a situation, facing a “democratic practice” in a very non-democratic society, it does not seem that a silent boycott is enough.

When a non-democratic society silently boycott the only available democratic practice, it would be easy for many parties to impose their own interpretation of the scene. Inevitably, there would be those who will say the low voters turnout reflects “the Saudi people’s rejection of democracy which they view as bad innovation” as Jihad al-Khazen did recently on BBC. This message will come from religious and semi-official institutions, and its echo will be heard in the local press. I can see from now the international media present like they did on March 11 to film the empty streets, filming the empty polling stations and receiving explanations from local dignitaries who will tell them that the Saudi society “still don’t realize the importance of democracy, is not ready to practice it, and the evidence is what you see…” If this happens, it will a hijacking of scene’s meaning allowed by the silent boycott. That’s why I believe that those who boycott the elections should declare their reasons. When deliberately refrain from casting your vote in the ballot box, you should cast that vote in another place.

Why am I boycotting the elections?

It may seem a bit comical for a woman to write this sentence, because women are not allowed to vote anyway, and some men have announced they will boycott the elections for precisely this reason. But I would boycott the elections even if women were given the right to take part. The problem is more than simply excluding women from elections, it is in the elections themselves.

The municipal elections deserve to be boycotted because it will take place in 2011. The logic of this year is different from the logic of 2005. At the time the talk was about “early signs of democracy,” “moving toward popular participation,” “first step,” and “an experiment.” This talk was acceptable then to some extent. But it is 2011, a year in which the revolutions have shaken the traditional thinking of gradual change. The revolutions have also changed that reluctance about the importance of popular participation to become more prominent in the public conscience as a necessity that no country can function without. In such circumstances, this conscience cannot accept the municipal elections because they are another incarnation of the “gradual change” myth. Moreover, the municipal elections in their current form (only half of the councils is elected) have nothing to do with any form of democracy and popular participation!

The municipal elections deserve to be boycotted because democracy is not a ballot box. Democracy is about conceding power to the people. When the ballot box does not lead to conceding power to people and using this power effectively, then the ballot box does not lead to democracy. The municipal councils had no impact on the lives of people, and the comical manner in which their mandate has been extended for two years shows that they have nothing to do with the power of the people or delegating that power from them. How can an elected councilman gets his power from voters, then keeps to exercise it thanks to a government decision? This is, by the way, why democratic countries hold elections on schedule, because an elected official cannot continue to use his power without the consent of those — the voters — who have given him this power in the first place.

Have you noticed that they are using the same excuses that they have used to exclude women in 2004? The lack of separate polling stations for women, the need to learn from the experience with a promise to take part the next time around, etc. During the past seven years, we have built KAUST and sent 80,000 students to study abroad but somehow we still can’t prepare polling stations for women’s participation. Due to all this comicality and lack of seriousness, the municipal elections deserve to be boycotted.

I believe the elections deserve to be boycotted because they are not serious enough, because they are preposterous, and because their results don’t really affect my life. I boycott the only elections in Saudi Arabia because at this moment and more than anytime before, I want democracy, and the way I see it is through a fully elected parliament with a legislative authority and powers of oversight and accountability. I’m boycott the municipal elections because they mock my dreams.


If you are going to boycott the elections then write (in the blog, Twitter, Facebook) why you are doing that. This is a national duty now.

If you are a Saudi journalist or writer who thinks of writing about the “society that don’t understand the importance of elections,” please reconsider.

If you are a foreign journalist, please don’t believe those will tell you that we are boycotting because “we don’t understand, we are not ready…” Consider my opinion. And whatever you are going to write, please, don’t call the municipal elections “interesting,” please!

Eman al-Guwaifli is a Saudi columnist. You can find her on Twitter: @Emanmag. The Arabic version of this post was first published here.

10 thoughts on “Guest Post: What will happen in April 23? And why?

  1. I never saw it that way. It’s true that this could easily lead the the fake democracies that the Middle East revolted against.

    Thank you for that :)

    Though, do things really need to be voted on when it’s very clear to be the general consensus? And how do you vote for the government to enforce ready set laws?

  2. I dont agree with the comment on this post. Ignorance is no excuse. I only want to let my Saudi Brothers to remember that the biggest of all jihads is to speak out the truth in front of a corrupt ruler.

  3. Eman, I will not attend your party. I am boycotting it.
    I know that seems comical because I am not even invited. But even if I were invited I would girlcott it and not attend.

  4. I just want to encourage you in your efforts to send the message to the powers that be about these staged, phoney elections.

    Democracy today in all so-called developed advanced nations, the ones countries like Arabia are told to aspire to, are a sham. We only get to vote for the candidate most sponsored by the big business interest behind him. All western politicians are in the pockets of economic interests and particularly unelected bankers.

    Democracy today allows for unelected officials, such as those currently leading the European Union, to dictate the policies most favourable to the arms industry, pharmaceutical industry and banking: the three biggest power brokers on the planet.

    You need only look at the situation in the US after the bank bailout which has left two thirds of the population bankrupt, unemployed and homeless, the situation here in Spain where austerity measures ensure a 20% unemployment level for the foreseeable future, and riots in the UK against the spending cuts. This is today’s democracy in action, for it matters not which party you vote for, they will ALL do what their lords and masters request, i.e safeguard the banking system, and ensure the priviledges of the very rich.

    I have the opportunity to vote in my local elections this coming May, I will use my vote as a protest against the two-party system beginning to overtake the process which makes a joke out of ‘choice’. I have the hard earned right to vote, and I know it is not all it is made out to be.

    Be carefull what you wish for, because the kind of democracy existing today is not power for the people, but power over the people, diferent to dictatorship only in name.

  5. I don’t think people who going to boycott the elections have any chance of wining the people’s votes! I bet if we have a very free elections, businessmen, tribesmen, and religious scholars ( Sunni in all over the kingdom and Shia in only Qtif because they are not a majority in AL-HAssa ).

  6. I wish you good luck in arab muslim world. Especially women (shame on you men, for this terrible apartheid). As a brazilian, I know what is a dictatorship sponsored by USA for decades and how hard is the fight for freedom, democracy, against the economic power. Latin America has a history of struggle – see Eduardo Galeano and The Open vens of Latin America. But humankind need to go on searching for peace, justice, brotherhood. Be brave and take the risks to build better days in your countries. If it is not perfect here or there, it is not the excuse to give up. I am very glad to see the signs of rebelion (true or not…), because it was very sad to think people had no desire for freedom. Dictatorship is not welcome anymore anywhere. Poverty, hunger, sickness, illiteracy are a terrible shame for all of us, more for those rich ones who just live like parasites. For example the sheiks and generals :-|

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