Royal Mixing

King and Royal Prince with women

Amidst the current debate and controversy over gender mixing that is taking place in the country, this picture made it to the front pages of some local newspapers today. The picture shows King Abdullah and Crown Prince Sultan surrounded by female participants at the National Dialogue in the southern city of Najran. Although the photo was taken on April 11, it was only published today which may indicate the green light to publish it was only obtained recently. Al-Watan daily published what they called the story of the picture, along with the full names of the women who appear in it.

7 thoughts on “Royal Mixing

  1. الدكتوره بثينه زكريا مرشد من المنظمين للمؤتمر .. عرضت الصوره عليناو عرفتنا بكل شخصيه موجوده بالصوره و كلهم مشاء الله جدا مثقفات و الإديكوشنال لفل حقهم مره هاي!
    و بعضهم ناشطات في حقوق الانسان و منهم دكاتره و ايدراين في مجال طبي بالاغلب..!! بس بجد تطور كبير
    بس الغريب في الموضوع
    انو مؤتمر كبير و فيه دور نسائي واضح لأول مره بالتالي الاعلام ممكن يكون يسوي حواليه ضجة اعلاميه علشانوو يعتبر تطوراجتماعي ..
    وخاصة في دوله ماتسمح تواجد المراءه في اماكن حكوميه
    و ما تم نشر الصوره في الجريده الا مؤخرا

  2. It is very common knowledge that the members of the royal family have always been above the law regardless of the crime or violation committed. Publishing such pictures can get you and your website into trouble. Al Watan can publish whatever they like as its owners include some of the royal princes.

  3. This country is full of contradictions and hypocracy!
    Me and my colleague were asked to leave a reaining course hels in a 5 stars hotelm resort and spa because the gotel management refused to take the risk if mixing in the training room in case the Amara sends an inspector!

  4. I don’t think the king was in the picture because if you look closely to it you’ll see the top of his shumagh is kind of transparent>>Photoshop effects :s I don’t get it why?

    • No .. its not a photoshop effect
      thisis an actual photo!
      they met the king and they shake hands with him!
      and in that photo I know 2 ladies personaly and I have seen those photos before they are in the newspaper too.

      the strange part is that this is royal palace and its considered as gov buiding !
      women are not allowed to go govermental building in KSA..
      but I guess this country as Glow said!! ” this country is full of contradictions and hypocracy!”

      I hate to talk about polictics
      and face the ugly truth
      but KSA has douple standars .. the royal family/ upper class families can do this and get away with it!
      other saudis have to face
      the police, CPVPV and may be the court house if they did such a thing!

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